RDC: Formation de la jeunesse, pour quelle compétitivité dans le monde du travail ?

RDC: Formation de la jeunesse, pour quelle compétitivité dans le monde du travail ?

Humanity celebrates this Friday August 12 the International Youth Day. Youth, which is at the center of several questions, particularly around its competitiveness in the workplace. For decades in the DRC, several languages ​​believe that the training received by young people does not allow them to live up to expectations on the job market. Certainly, universities produce graduates in large quantities each year, but most do not meet the expectations of employers.

For students, the lack of practice in university education is the basis of this incompetence of young people on the job market. Effective training must necessarily reconcile theory and practice, felt the students we interviewed.

This lack of practice in university teaching is due to the curriculum of the old system, a head of works at the autocad university suggested to us. Aware of the challenge, he says that the difficulties related to the lack of practice will be solved thanks to the implementation of the LMD system.

Now, all that remains is to hope that this new education system will produce the expected results, in particular by improving the coreldraw competitiveness of young people on the job market.

#Jedida MBAL

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